By: Ernie Wren
Wednesday Dec. 13th: National Hot Cocoa Day- Courtney Hargis and Laken Glascock are selling hot cocoa bombs as their FFA SAE project. You may purchase two large bombs for $10. Peppermint, original cocoa, cocoa with marshmallows, and salted caramel flavors are available. Contact them at 573-819-1307 or 573-691-0744 to order.

Thursday Dec. 14th: National Free Shipping Day- Should we rename this Amazon Prime Day?

Friday Dec. 15th: National Ugly Sweater Day- Join the fun and wear something so atrocious that it makes others cringe to look at it!

Saturday Dec. 16th: National Chocolate Covered Anything Day- For me, it’s chocolate covered potato chips from the Candy Factory, which my wife got for my birthday! But grab a container of chocolate syrup and go to it on whatever!

Sunday Dec. 17th: National Maple Syrup Day- To make it easy, stop by the Copper Kettle in the morning for some great pancakes and syrup!

Monday Dec. 18th: National Bake Cookies Day- And if you would like, drop some off at the Boone County Journal office!

Tuesday Dec. 19th: National Hard Candy Day- These delicacies we enjoyed while visiting grandma’s house are still out there and as fantastic as ever. Buy a box and keep them on your counter all year!