By: Ernie Wren
If you’ve driven down Fox Hollow Road recently, you may have seen a new sign promoting the “Wires Over Wildlife” (WOW) project in progress. As the sign indicates, this is a native pollinator and wildlife habitat restoration project that is available to landowners wishing to enhance their property while clearing brush and trees found under power lines. This particular project involves the Boone Electric Cooperative, Department of Conservation, Grow Native! program, Native Landscape Solutions, and private property owners. The Missouri Prairie Foundation administers the “Grow Native!” efforts focused on restoring and protecting native plants and furthering their effective uses in landscaping. Native Landscape Solutions, which is a company out of St. Louis, provides consulting and information on native prairie and pollinator plans. Under the program, MDC staff work with landowners to determine the goals they have for their property and develop a plan to put in native plants and animals where power lines pass through. Established in 2012, WOW plays a major role in building wildlife habitat, according to Community and Private Land Conservation Chief Jason Jensen. (Rural Missouri Org)
See more in this weeks Boone County Journal
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