Superintendent Chris Felmlee and SoBoCo Principal Brandy Clark look at the enrollment numbers and shake their head.
But they are not surprised.
Fall enrollment numbers at the SoBoCo school district were released last week and show that the kindergarten class set – another – new record for class size at 162.
“We’re completely full,” Clark said of her school, which just opened eight new classrooms a year ago. “We are talking now and coming up with solutions. We are not in a panic – we’ve been here before – but we will have to be creative.”
The district elected to not hire a ninth kindergarten teacher in late August, however, Clark is interviewing this week and will be hiring two additional aides for the kindergarten teachers.
“Aides provide an extra set of hands for our teachers,” Clark said, “and we have two exceptional aides right now. We will hire two more and they can help intervene with situations and help push kids forward academically.”
~ There’s more to the story in today’s Journal ~
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