When April Hayes purchased her Palomino Ridge home in 2013, she asked about a home owners association and was told there was no such thing.
But there was one established in 2002 and some residents of Palomino would like to re-establish the effort.
“This movement was instigated last fall by crime in the neighborhood,” said resident Ernie Wren. “There was stuff taken from cars and a group of us decided to get a neighborhood watch.”
Now the group is moving forward on re-establishing a formal Home Owners Association. They have held one meeting with city officials and will meet again tonight at 6 p.m. at Central Bank.
“We have discussed the covenants,” Wren said, “but it would be up to the home owners. Not all of the clauses have to be enforced, but they have to be applied equally and fairly.”
Hayes says many of her neighbors think the idea of a home owner’s association has already been started in a secret and unfair way.
~ Find out more in today’s Journal ~
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