By: Carson Blake
At the Monday, February 14, 2022 school board meeting, Sarah Papineau from the Missouri State Teachers Association to start several conversations. MSTA surveyed SoBoCo school district after a high volume of calls to MSTA. The survey was available to all employees district wide and 125 employees participated of the approximately 300 employees. “A good survey group” said Papineau, responded to the survey. MSTA was looking for any over arching concerns. The survey was conducted on the recent snow days, Feb 2 – Feb. 4, after COVID-19 protocols decreased again, for example no required quarantine. The top three Missouri state wide concerns for teachers are first, student behavior, next student motivations, and then the shortage of substitutes. The survey showed that is not the case for the SoBoCo survey.
See more in this weeks Boone County Journal
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