Players from Southern Boone’s 2020 state champion high school soccer team show off their trophies and rings at the recent team banquet. In addition to winning the first state soccer championship in Southern Boone history, the team was also the first high school soccer team in mid-Missouri to claim a state title and the only soccer team in the state to post an undefeated season in 2020. Front row, from left: Nolan Baker, Josh Pridemore, Nathan Vandelicht, Jack Bigos, Landon Beeson, Kaden Schupp, Ethan Osborne, Ben Turner, Lleyton Shoot, Brandon Sefton. Middle row: Alex Criswell, Cal Montgomery, Mason Ahern, Aidan Bukowsky, Trenton Roney, Reece Baker, Grant Hoehne, Gavin Blackburn, Cory Haynes, Brody Pfingsten. Back row: James Brooks, Titus Jetton, Andrew Pridemore, Brady Wilhoit, Jack McCluskey, Paxton Demsich, Ethan Esry, Charlie Lewis, Gabe Montgomery.
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