By: Ernie Wren
Over 100 kids and family members attended, with forty-two registering as participants. The largest fish caught was a fifteen-inch bass by a very happy young man, David Calvin! Grady McClendon won “Most Fish” with two, along with the “Smallest Fish” at 3 ½ inches. There were plenty of smiles to go around, such as Audrey Calvin’s first “catch” of a turtle! Optimist Governor Elect Ernie Wren, Club President Jan Palmer, Bernie Bartel, Ken Bishop, and Dorise Slinker joined John Dougan at the Ashland City Park for the Fishing Derby. The Ashland Optimist Club would like to thank the City of Ashland Public Works Department for having cleaned up the pool and providing a great small-town pond to enjoy. Also, to Black Dog Outdoors (TUFF Customer Baits) and Midwest Mealworms (Live Superworms) for helping with bait and tackle. And the Missouri Department of Conservation for providing fishing poles.
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