By: Marilyn McGuire
July Yard of the month was awarded to Robin Shaon and Jim Cappsat 403 Ash Street in Ashland. Robin has lived at the location for over 25 years. She has a love for all kinds of plants. She has been a past president of the PTA. During her tenure, the PTA was able to obtain a a grant for the Learning Garden. She currently is a volunteer for Helping Hands. She has a full time daycare in her home. She educates the children about the growing and harvesting if tomatoes. Robin is a busy person but through all of this she manages to care for her potted plants, including Petunias, hanging Gerrainims, climbing roses and other various annuals. She keeps her front yard looking good with a beautiful curb appeal as you drive up her home.
Congratulations to Robin for getting this award and all she contributes to our community!
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