By: Ernie Wren
Taco Bell. Pretty soon you may not have to “Run for the Border” to get some fast-food Mexican flavors. Taco Bell will be putting forth their site plans for Planning & Zoning review, hoping to open a new location by the new Break Time on Eastside Drive. Some may remember that a Taco Bell and Kentucky Fried Chicken combination once operated in what is now the liquor drive-through next to McDonalds but closed in part due to customer dissatisfaction with the products and cleanliness. I am going to bet this new venture will do it right and be an enormous success. Also, up for the city is a review of “No-Impact Home Business” licensing requirements. This impacts those home businesses that have little to no traffic and are not a disruption to their neighborhoods. Up for consideration is requiring these businesses to be licensed, and aspect that may be on conflict other legal considerations that “a political subdivision shall not prohibit the operation of no-impact, home-based business or otherwise require a person to apply for, register for, or obtain any permit, license, variance, or other type of approval…..” I am sure the legal minds will sort this out.
See more in this weeks Boone County Journal
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