By: Ernie Wren
When Ashland resident Ron Wilcox began speaking at the Tuesday evening Park Board meeting August 8th, the atmosphere took a confrontational tone almost immediately. Mr. Wilcox started with apologizing to board member Marcy Wood for having been rude to her at the last public meeting, however, he emphasized that he was not wrong about what he said to the board. Mr. Wilcox stated to the Journal that he had stated the Park Board does nothing outside of the Fall Festival, movie nights, and egg hunts. Throughout his public comments timeframe, he reiterated his beliefs that the park board members need to be more hands-on in doing work in the park. He also emphasized his appreciation for last year’s Fall Festival and his hopes that this year’s festival would be just as successful.
But the fireworks soon began as Mr. Wilcox stated that as a representative of the “Friends of the Park” he had started clearing out brush and cutting down trees that he believed to be dead, primarily in the corner of the park that abuts with Meadowmere Drive. Mr. Wilcox stated that his motto was “If you can’t, or won’t, I will.”
See more in this weeks Boone County Journal
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