A quick reminder that this Saturday, February 13th, would be a great opportunity to stop by the “Second Saturday” event in downtown Ashland from 10am to 2pm to find that special Valentine’s Day gift. With over 20 local businesses offering their goods and services, there is a lot to choose from. In addition to the American Legion, there will be “Wrap it Up” at Connections Bank, a basket workshop at the Mid Missouri Art Alliance, and great food at the Skyline Café and Copper Kettle. And while you’re driving around town, take a peek at the new YMCA which is almost finished. The additional space will make it easier to social distance, and along with the regular extensive cleaning, this will be a great time for those who want to get back to in-gym workouts. The new YMCA opens on Friday, March 5th.
The City of Ashland is looking for citizen engagement in downtown beautification projects. To learn more, the city posted the following for those individuals that might be interested in attending the “Ashland Downtown Beautification – Town Hall Meeting” in which they may “Join us as we celebrate the award of a Missouri Main Street Community Empowerment Grant to start a program to revitalize and develop downtown Ashland. This meeting will explain Main Street and the principles, share the journey over the 2 years of the grant, and ask for feedback on what you want to see in your downtown.”
Time: Feb 17, 2021 06:00 PM in Central Time (US and Canada)
Register in advance for this meeting on the Ashland website – http://www.ashlandmo.us/
~ There’s more in today’s Journal ~
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