Construction workers digging on the south side of Ash Street near the intersection of Ash and Bass, for that neighborhood’s new sidewalk project caused the leak.
First the Schooler Construction request for a zoning change to build six duplexes off Liberty Lane was given a “No” recommendation by the Ashland Planning and Zoning.
Then the Ashland Board of Aldermen unanimously approved the plan in a first reading at a June meeting.
Two weeks later? Now they are not so sure.
The Aldermen unanimously approved a motion by Alderman Fred Klipple that the vote for a zoning change be tabled in favor of a community workshop on the idea, likely to be set for sometime in August.
Residents of the Middleton Crossing subdivision spoke for more than an hour, voicing concerns about the proposed duplexes. Most of those concerns echoed previous meetings: The potential devaluation of their homes; the potential threat to the security of their homes; the potential parking and traffic hazards brought about by new development.
The lot, owned by CL Richardson and with the zoning change would be sold to Schooler, sits just east of Middleton Crossing, between Middleton Drive and the Copper Kettle Restaurant. It is currently zoned Commercial and the zoning request would make it R-2 – multi-family residential.
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