By: Ernie Wren
Every once in a while a positive, heartwarming story unfolds. This past Monday a high school class ring was found by a construction worker while remodeling the current middle school. It had the inscription “DKM” and “Class of 83”. A search was put out on Facebook, and sure enough, its owner was found. About 38 years ago at a basketball game, Debbie (McDow) Grant had lost it and thought it gone. In a world filled with negative news, it is always great to see people like Virgil Kent Jeffery taking the time to find the owner of a lost ring from almost four decades ago! The “Fire in the Sky” continues moving forward to bring a fireworks show to the City of Ashland. Start time, will be at 7:30pm to 8pm, at the Optimist rodeo arena. Light the sky up begins at 9:15. There will be hot dogs, chips, and drinks. Popsicle for the kids and glow stick for fun. Proceeds will go to the 2022 “Light Up the Sky”. According to Alderman Dorise Slinker, “The goal is to make this an annual event, growing bigger and better each year, to pull citizens together, and bring some “oohs’ and “ahhs” from all ages. Without a doubt there will be things we learn from this first year, but it has to start somewhere!”
See more in this weeks Boone County Journal
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