Plans to bring the Boone County Fair back to Columbia have been set in motion for the coming year. Though the fair has been held in Sturgeon since 2016, the county recently signed a deal to cede fairgrounds land from the City of Columbia. The primary focus behind this change of location is to both increase fair profits and localize the fair itself toward the Columbia area.
While the fair board is sorry to say goodbye to Sturgeon, the 1000- person populated town brought in little foot traffic. Moving to Columbia would ensure the presence of significantly larger crowds, as well as property. 134 acres were ceded for the use of the county. By the time Summer comes around, the board will have an approximate 29 acres for fair use. The remaining land will be used for the construction of a recreation center with an eight-lane track, a playground, baseball diamonds , a picnic area and parking space for public use.
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