Brian McCollum, Boone County Collector of Revenue, wishes to remind taxpayers that Boone County property taxes are due December 31, 2019. If taxpayers have not received a property tax statement, they should contact the collector’s office immediately. If taxpayers have yet to declare personal property as of January 1, 2019, they will need to contact the county assessor’s office and update their account. Failure to receive a bill by December 31, 2019 does not relieve the obligation to pay the taxes due, and any applicable late charges that may apply.
The Boone County Government Center will be closed December 25. The last day to pay property taxes in person at the collector’s office is Monday, December 31, 2019 by 5:00 pm. The collector’s office is located on the first floor of the Roger B. Wilson Boone County Government Center, corner of 9th and Ash Streets in downtown Columbia.
~ See the rest in today’s Journal ~
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