By: Anthony Frazier
The SoBoCo girls golf team competed in two 18-hole tournaments and a 9-hole match last week. The first tournament was at Meadow Lake featuring a strong field of 21 teams, with several large schools from around the State. SoBoCo surprised the competition with a great 5th place finish. Lily Frazier led the team with an 82, good for 7th place individually, and Lila Frazier shot 86 to finish in 11th place. Gracyn Flaspohler had a 103, Cailyn Chaney 108 and Kaitlyn Schmidt 119 for a team score of 379. “Flaspohler and Chaney have showed good progress since their first tournament, with Chaney improving an amazing 18 shots,” said Coach Shannon Jeffrey.
See more in this weeks Boone County Journal
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