Eagles Soccer has ‘learning curve’ challenge ahead of them
by Bruce Wallace
The Eagles soccer team got exactly what it expected on Saturday in their jamboree – three games vs three bigger, more physical teams – each with winning soccer programs.
SoBoCo, with only three starting seniors left from a Final Four appearance last fall, failed to score a goal and tied Timberland 0-0, lost to Helias 1-0 and lost to Rock Bridge 2-0.
“We were better when we played our last game against Rock Bridge,” said Eagles coach Chris Miller, “Rock Bridge sort of pounded everyone else – but they only got their second goal against us with less than a minute left in the game. We went out and calmed down and passed the ball more. We had a number of quality chances against a quality team.”
In the SoBoCo opener – the tie vs Timberland — the Eagles had three freshmen on the field for a majority of the game, something not seen by Eagles soccer fans in a number of years. However, Miller has said that the combination of freshman talent and a big graduating class last year will give those freshmen the chance to show their skills.
“Sam Bonderer, Rece Gilmore and Rajesh Bennett played quite a bit and I think those young guys hung in there,” MIller said the challenge for the younger players – besides playing on a faster artificial turf surface – was simply the increased game speed.
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