LEAD SPORTS PHOTO: Southern Boone Eagles softball seniors Brookelle Barnum, Reganne Scheer, Dani Post, Carrie Ponder, Olivia Kelly and Andrea Reeder are ready to open the new season on SoBoCo’s new softball/baseball field just north of the high school track.
Eagles ready for new season
A new softball field and a formidable new member of their conference are the highlights of the new fall sports season at Southern Boone High School.
Athletes have been practicing for more than a week activities director Pat Lacy said the number of athletes continues to increase each year.
SoBoCo Middle School athletes and coaches were scheduled to meet Monday evening.
The biggest excitement for the new fall season is at the high school campus where a new softball/baseball field has been built this past summer.
The field includes a complete artificial surface, new scoreboard and is easily converted from softball to baseball.
Previously, both Eagles teams played on the ball field behind the Middle School. That space will now be utilized for MS softball practice as well as MS football practice.
“We have worked within our available space to have a complex like what they have at Fulton,” Lacy said.
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