By: Ernie Wren
Wednesday September 27th: National Ancestor Appreciation Day- I am thankful that my ancestor, the Reverend Berryman Wren, moved his family to Southern Boone and became the first pastor at Goshen Church back in 1832. It’s a good time to think back on your genealogy and remember those that came before you.
Thursday September 28th: National Ask a Stupid Question Day- The old saying is that there is no such thing as a stupid question, but we also know that not to be true. So today, annoy those around you with stupid questions like, “Why is it called ‘shipping’ if it goes by truck? Why is it call ‘cargo’ when it goes by ship?
Friday September 29th: National VFW Day- A special day to give thanks to the many men and women that served in foreign wars, many of whom did not make it home. Thank you for our freedoms!
Saturday September 30th: National Ghost Hunting Day- Not sure I’d want to actually catch one, but hey, to each their own. Scooby Dooby Doo!
Sunday October 1st: National Black Dog Day- There is much superstition regarding black dogs, to the extent that up until 1963, Francois Duvalier ordered the death of all black dogs in Haiti after hearing an enemy had transformed into one (sourced from Reddit). But I say they’re cute, especially the labs!
Monday October 2nd: National Custodian Day- Teaching at the middle school, I see every day how hard these needed support staffers work! Let them know how important they are to the team!
Tuesday October 3rd: National Techies Day- Don’t think we need these people? How crazy do we get when the power goes out, the internet is down, or we can’t figure out how to get Hulu Live to work properly 5 minutes before the Mizzou or Chiefs game? Live Long and Prosper Techies!
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