How does a society – or an entire civilization, for that matter – cope with the stressors that have been building up during the last few years? Frustration, anger, pain and even hatred seem to be running rampant worldwide. Author Nora D’Ecclesis explores a path that could offer an effective coping strategy for readers in her new book, Zen Rohatsu, which became the Amazon No. 1 bestseller in its category 24 hours after it was released.
“Zen Rohatsu is a microcosm of Zen meditation which best explains why we meditate and why most should consider this spiritual practice,” she said. “I sat to outline a story about my spiritual practice, which I wrote from the memory of my own experiences as a lay meditator. The result is this book.”
Rohatsu is Japanese for “eighth day of the twelfth month.” December 8 has come to be the day that Japanese Zen Buddhists observe the enlightenment of the historical Buddha. While Zen Rohatsu isn’t exactly a “how-to” guide, it does lead readers down a path that will help them understand this type of meditation and how it might help them in so many ways.
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