Provided By:
David Trinklein
(Letter to the Editor)
Procrastinators win the prize in the “Safest Holiday Decorations” category.
“In days of old, people rarely brought holiday greenery into the home before Christmas Eve,” says University of Missouri Extension horticulturist David Trinklein. Doing so was considered bad luck for the coming year.
Today, the holiday season begins with Thanksgiving and lasts through New Year’s Day or after. Greenery and other cut plant material is brought in a month or more before Christmas Day. This extended season results in potential fire hazards and exposes children and animals to risk of poisoning from plants that might be toxic.
Buy local
If you decide to ring the holiday chimes early, go local. Really local, said Trinklein, such as your own backyard.
See more in this weeks Boone County Journal
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