By: Travis Naughton
After spending entirely too much time over the last few weeks searching online for a new toy to park in my garage, I had an epiphany: I already have everything I could ever want in life. However, there is one thing that I need. I need to remember to be thankful for what I have. Sure, a 50th anniversary edition 2003 Chevy Corvette would be a great addition to our family’s current fleet of five vehicles, but I already have a two-seater hot rod, a 1971 Chevy pickup with a hopped-up 327 cubic inch V-8 transplanted from a 1969 Chevy Impala. Do I NEED a two-seat Corvette with a fuel-injected 350 cubic inch V-8, too? Of course not. But do I WANT one? Of course I do. Sort of. While the members of my household exchanged their Christmas wish lists with one another, I thought about what I already have. I already have an amazing wife, three great kids, and an awesome bonus-kid who happens to be the mother of my beautiful grandbaby.
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