Hard-working Missourians will see another wage increase to ring in the new year. In 2018, voters from every corner of our state resoundingly voted Yes on Proposition B to gradually increase Missouri’s minimum wage from $7.85 an hour to $12 an hour by 2023. With 62.34% of the vote and carrying 82 of Missouri’s 114 counties, 31 of 34 State Senate districts, and 145 of 163 State House districts, Proposition B and raising Missouri’s minimum wage was a clear signal and mandate from voters across our state. This 85 cents an hour raise has already resulted in an additional $1,000 a year for Missouri’s full-time, minimum wage workers’ pockets and into their local economies.
“Missouri voters get it,” said Richard von Glahn, Missouri Jobs with Justice Policy Director, “Businesses cannot thrive when their workers — or customers — are living in poverty.”
~ Get the rest in today’s Journal ~
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