“The first generation of all 2000’s born kids. The first to change the new adult world,” said 2019 Senior Class President Savana Johnson. Southern Boone County High School graduated 130 seniors at commencement Sunday, May 19.
“As a class, we are use to setting good examples for each other, setting examples for the younger kids, and showing older generations what we are made of. Setting that tone for the rest of Generation Z makes us want to get out there and do something with our lives,” said Johnson.
Generation Z, according to Pew Research Center Fact Tank, are those born from 1997 to approximately 2015 and are the generation following the Millennials.
The Class of 2019 is now truly on the brink of entering the adult world.
“It’s been approximately 50% that plan to attend a 4 year university, 40% a 2 year college, technical or trade school. Leaving 8% heading straight for the workforce and 2% into the military,” said high school guidance counselor Misty Douglass.
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