A Sunday morning fire set an Ash Street home’s occupant to the hospital with burns.
According to Southern Boone County Fire Protection District Fire Chief Jim Bullard, the alarm sounded at 9:39 a.m. and when the first firefighters arrived on the scene, flames were seen in the back of the house and smoke coming out of the roof line.
“The fire started in the back of the home, near the kitchen in a room or closet,” Bullard said. “There was a lot of heavy, black smoke due to the plastics that are used in modern construction.”
Bullard said the 20 firefighters who responded first knocked down the flames, prevented the fire from spreading, and attended to the burned man.
“They responded quickly and got water on the fire immediately and knocked it down,” Bullard said.
The occupant of the home was transferred to University Hospital with burns to his face and arms.
“The interior of the home was heavily charred and there was a lot of heat damage throughout the building,” Bullard said.
The fire department cleared from the call at noon on Sunday. There were no injuries to fire personnel.
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