Ms. Meyer’s

Kindergarten Class

Dear Santa,

Thank you for my toys. This year I would like a Gabby doll house. Do you like the snow?

Love, Brylee

Dear Santa,

Thank you for the clothes. This year I would like a hoverboard. Do you have headphones?

Love, Finley

Dear Santa,

Thank you for the Starbucks cup. This year I would like a batmobile. Do you shave your beard off?

Love, Jaxson

Dear Santa,

Thank you for the presents. This year I would like a ginormous robot. How do you make toys?

Love, Opie

Dear Santa,

Thank you for the presents you brought me last year.  This year I would like a Chiefs helmet and Jersey. How do you fly with your reindeer?

Love, Samuel

Dear Santa,

Thank you for the presents. This year I would like a make-up set.  Why do you have a mustache?

Love, Ava

Dear Santa,

Thank you for the watch.  This year I would like books to read. When do you deliver gifts?

Love, Aubrey


See many more letters to Sant’a in this weeks Boone County Journal