Southern Boone Eagles Vs. Logan-Rogersville in the Class 4 State Championship
Eagles at bat 2 outs top on the first, Southern Boone runner on third. No runs bottom of the first. 2 on base for Logan-Rogersville no outs. wildcats 2 Eagles 0. Heading to inning 2 Logan-Rogersville 2 Southern Boone 0. Eagles runners on 1rst and 2nd base. Eagles runners on 2nd and 3rd base. Bases loaded Southern Boone in place to score top of the second. Carter Salter at bat bases loaded. Wildcats 2 Eagles 1 heading to the third. Austin Evans on first base top of the third. Runners on first and second for Southern Boone. Eagles in scoring position with runners at second and third base. Wildcats 2 Eagles 2 Tied. Headed to the bottom of the third 2-2 Tie. On the way to the fourth Tied 2-2. Chase Morris on second Eagles at bat. Austin Evans up to bat top of the fourth. On the way to the bottom of the fourth tied score 2-2. Double play for southern Boone 2 wildcats out. Heading to the top of the fifth Tie score 2-2. Hayden Steelman at bat 1 out top of the fifth. Steelman draws a hit by the pitcher takes first. Wildcats switching out pitchers, Score still 2-2. Jace Reynolds at bat top of the fifth. Steelman steals second. Eagles at bat. Andert at bat for the Eagles. On to the bottom of the fifth score still 2-2. 1 out and 1 on for the wildcats. Wildcats up to bat 2 out bottom of the fifth. Now to the sixth inning Score Tied 2-2. Southern Boone at bat 1 out top of the sixth. Southern Boone runners on 1rst and second 1 out top of the sixth, Chase Morris at bat. Southern Boone Eagles have the bases loaded 1 out top of the sixth, 2-2 score. Eagles take the lead 3 to 2. Southern Boone Eagles now lead 5-2. Balk brings in another run for the Eagles 6 wildcats 2. Headed to the the bottom of the sixth the wildcats have some work to do. Score Eagles 6 Wildcats 2. Runner on first and second for the Wildcats. Wildcats have runners on first and third 1 out bottom of the sixth. Bases loaded wildcats at bat 2 out bottom of the sixth. On to the 7th inning Eagles 6 Wildcats 2. Eagles runner on 3rd no outs top of the seventh. Eagles have the bases loaded bottom of the seventh no outs. Southern Boone Eagles score 8 Wildcats 2. Heading to the bottom of the seventh Eagles 8 Wildcats 2. Eagles 8 Wildcats 3.
Final Eagles 8 Wildcats 3
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