By: Carson Blake

The SoBoCo school board voted on Tuesday, January 18th, 2022 to not renew Superintendent Chris Felmlee’s contract for the 2023 – 2024 school year in a 5 to 2 vote. Felmlee has served 9 years as the SoBoCo Superintendent. According to the Bureau of Labor Statics and the AASA, American Association of School Administrators, the average employment length for a superintendent position is between five to six years. The SoBoCo school board regular session on January 18, lasted more than 4 hours. Following the regular session the school board adjured into executive session that finished at approximately 12:30am. Annual performance reviews are normally conducted in January for the Superintendent position. Administrators are scheduled for February and teachers in March. However, the connection between school board discourse and COVID-19 protocols can not be underestimated in the school boards decision to begin a transition with the school district’s leadership. “I’ve experienced four different superintendents and he [Felmlee] has done a great job and people have focused on the negative rather than the positive” said school board member Barrett Glascock. “I think he is getting the blame of things that he probably shouldn’t. He’s the head of the ship. They are looking for places to point fingers and blame.”

See more in this weeks Boone County Journal

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