Southern Boone Elementary School Counselor Sharon Horton was presented with a $500 grant on September 6th. Horton applied for emergency response kits full of useful items for Special, SPED, and other classrooms of support staff so that everyone can have a kit in each room of the school. Regular third and fourth grade classrooms have been supplied with kits, so it was felt that other areas should also be supplied.
The kits will contain silver foil blankets, tourniquet, flashlight with batteries, phone chargers, cold packs, gauze, stop bleed powder, and many more items that might be required. The school nurse will explain each item and its purpose. The staff will have ALICE training for emergency situations.
The grant is from the Foundation of Missouri Retired Teachers and School Personnel. Since 2012, the Foundation has awarded over $600,000 to schools across the state. Southern Boone has received several of those. Applications that are due by June 30th are on the website (mortf.org) during January each year.
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