New year new you:
7 Steps to re-invent yourself in the new year As 4.5 million Americans quit their jobs in September and another 4.2 million quit in October, Dr. Ellen Albertson, The Midlife Whisperer™ offers tips from her new book Rock your midlife: 7 Steps to Transform Yourself and Make Your Next Chapter Your Best Chapter to help women re-invent in the new year. As the U.S. labor market tightens, midlife women represent a small but economically significant group of women in their 40s and early 50s who are leaving the work force. While it may be pandemic-related, many women have the responsibility of aging parents, school-age children who they are now home-schooling at a time in their lives when they need to be focusing on their own health and wellbeing. Plus, menopause is driving some women out of the work force. “I coach women how to shift their energetic vibration so they feel and look great and attract what they truly want,” says Dr. Ellen. “My goal is for women to re-invent themselves in the new year so they become authentic, follow their hearts, and create something amazing in their lives that generates joy and vivacity.”
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