With the potential for severe weather including ice in the forecast, storm teams from electric cooperatives around the state are ready to repair any weather-related damage to power lines that may occur.
When storms threaten, Missouri’s electric cooperatives enact their emergency assistance plan. Through this effort, workers and material from systems out of the storm’s path are quickly sent to the area that needs help the most.
One phone call to the Association of Missouri Electric Cooperatives in Jefferson City will speed help on the way. If necessary, Missouri will call on other states for assistance in order to get members affected by the storm back online as soon as possible. Contractors and tree trimmers will also play a big role and are standing by.
The National Weather Service is calling for the possibility of freezing rain across a wide swath of south and central Missouri beginning on Friday and continuing through the weekend. Electric cooperatives have been tracking the storm for several days. Those systems in harm’s way have trucks loaded with material and all personnel on alert. They are prepared to begin repairs as soon as it is safely possible to work.
All of the state’s electric cooperatives have an emergency plan in place so that every employee knows their role in a crisis situation. After every past storm, these plans have been reviewed at the local and state level. Changes are made to ensure the response improves each time.
Every electric cooperative follows a basic principle when it comes to restoring power – priority goes to the lines that will get the most people back in service the quickest. That means getting transmission lines repaired so that substations are energized, then working outward to the feeder lines and then finally the taps to individual homes.
If outages do occur, follow your electric cooperative’s Facebook page or website for updates on restoration. You can also visit https://outages.amec.org/outages/maps for a look at outages by county or cooperative.
During times of severe weather, safety is important. The public is encouraged to report downed or sagging power lines to the cooperative.
Assume all low and downed lines are energized and dangerous, even if they are not arcing. Never approach a downed power line. If you are in an automobile accident involving a downed power line, stay in the vehicle unless it is on fire.
When the weather is at its worst, our employees are at their best. Rest assured we will get you back online as fast as humanly possible.
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