The city of Ashland’s board meeting on May 2nd had some interesting topics for the public: “Taxes, Stop Signs, and Reindeer”.
City attorney Todd Smith shared that the newly passed one-percent general sales tax needed modified. Smith stated the Department of Revenue reached out to Ashland regarding the language in the ordinance with the exemption of sales of motor vehicles, trailers, boats or outboard motor and sales to public utilities. DOR said the statute does not allow for these exemptions and therefore the tax would apply in these instances. Mr. Smith said the language on the ballot was correct.
Mayor Dorise Slinker stated he had a request for an additional streetlight at the end of Redbud Lane and on Crump Lane in front of the high school. He also questioned how close you could park to a stop sign. Smith replied the state statute says 30 feet from the stop sign approach for off street parking. He stated the City of Ashland has adopted the model traffic code.
Kyle Michel stated they are engaging with the Columbia Airport again on possibly connecting to the city sewer. He informed the Board on connecting the Wi-Fi to the sewer plant and public works department. He stated
currently the departments have different internet providers. He stated that would eliminate those two bills and allow them access to the city server.
Alderman Loren Plank reported that while attending the Ashland Betterment Coalition meeting on May 15th, ABC mentioned they are having live reindeer on December 8, 2023 at 5:00 pm for picture taking opportunities. (Source: May 02, 2023, Board of Aldermen minutes)
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