This month, four Southern Boone women participated in Mid-Missouri Arts Alliance’s “Easy Pottery” class and re-discovered how much fun it is to make functional art from clay. Resident artist Linda Green taught the two-day class she called “Slumps, Humps & Slabs”. The students used flattened slabs of clay to create shallow bowls, trays and pendants. While it is possible to use a rolling pin to flatten the clay, the class used Linda’s slab roller, which gives a more uniform result. The two session class allowed for time to glaze and fire the pottery.

Lindsey Decker and Athena Shelton work on their projects.
There is a wide variety of classes for adults and children coming up at the Arts Center. Among the options for adults are classes on primitive rug making, decorative gourd painting and a special “drop in” afternoon of making Christmas ornaments. The “After School Art” program meets weekly, and is available for students between the grades of two and twelve.
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