Front: Cindy Kilfoyle, Janice Spears, Donna Wren, Linda Bogg, Barbara Morefield. Back: Carla Schlink, Mary Henley, Sarah Trittler, Marilyn McGuire.
By: Marilyn McGuire
The Ashland Garden Club was founded 65 years ago by ladies in the area that had a vision for the club and the Ashland community. We are still a Federated Garden Club today.
This spring our district will host the State Convention in Columbia May 7 – 9. National and State officers will be in attendance. Our State president’s theme is “Let’s Talk About Water” The club will be having presentations on how to use our water wisely and how to conserve our water throughout 2024. Be sure to check the Journal and our Facebook page for upcoming programs and speakers on water. With the drought we are experiencing, what a good time to learn more about water conservation.
If you are interested in becoming a member, contact the membership chairperson, Marilyn McGuire at watmcguim@yahoo.com.
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