If you are on social media, then you have likely encountered numerous pictures of the new “Ice Cream Factory” located in the new Break Time east of town across the highway. Shannon & Katie Imler started their ice cream business from their rural location in Eldon, Mo. This is a small business that has grown by partnering with larger companies. The selections are very diverse and delicious, my favorite being “Tiger King”, but “Brownie Blast” is a close second. Due to extremely cold weather, the official grand opening was moved to April 1, but you can still shop and get gas right now.
The City of Ashland “Spring Residential Clean-up” is scheduled for May 6, 2021. This is for in-town residential customers only and lets customers set out large pieces of refuse for pick up that won’t fit in the blue curbside bins. The spring “City-Wide Garage Sale” has been set for April 24, 2021. So, mark your calendars as these are always popular events. In an extremely positive display of confidence that life will be back to somewhat normal by this fall, the Ashland Parks & Recreation Board has scheduled the “2021 Ashland Fall Fest & Car/Bike Show” for Sept. 11, 2021 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. This is a special day of remembrance for many Americans, so there will probably be some form of recognition of historical events (9/11).
~ There’s more to the story in today’s Journal ~
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