The American Legion Foundation of Missouri presents a certificate of appreciation and a century pin to Moser’s owner Roger Moser. Upon reading Ernie Wren’s Boone County Journal article covering the Legion’s state championship oratorical competition, Mr. Moser donated $1,000 to the foundation, the first time the organization has received a check of that size. Pictured from Left-to-Right: American Legion Department of Missouri Oratorical Committee Chair Duane Benton, American Legion Department of Missouri 8th District Commander Brian Sapp, Owner of Moser’s grocery stores Mr. Roger Moser, and American Legion Department of Missouri 8th District Oratorical Committee Chairperson Christine Sapp. Mr. Benton expressed the Legion’s sincere appreciation of the gift, and shared the impact the oratorical scholarships make in the academic lives of the high school competitors.
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