Position Closed
Medical Laboratory Scientist: Work overnight 4x10hr shifts performing the following duties: Communicate critical values to care team; operate lab LIS systems; train new employees to the night shift; monitor pending worklist to ensure that all tests are completed & resulted in time. Position also include duties related to Coagulation: correlate testing with the patient’s condition & notify the ordering physician if a particular test is not indicated for the patient; perform coagulation screening tests: PT/INR, PTT, FIB, Anti-Xa, D-dimer,Thrombin time (TT); reject samples when specimen integrity is not met, based on short draws, clotted specimens, lipemia, hemolysis, improper collection & expiration; perform specialty testing: Mixing studies(PTmx/ PTTmx), Platelet function screen(PFscr), Factors, TEG & platelet mapping; to monitor hemostasis, platelet function, and aid in selection of appropriate blood products; perform validations, calibrations & quality control for the different coagulation tests & reagents; operate, maintain & troubleshoot coagulation analyzers. Blood Bank: perform the following tests, both manually & on the analyzer: ABO & RH typing (ABO RH), antibody screen (ABSC), Antibody ID (ABID); identify clinically significant antibodies, as well as send to ARC for further workup when required by procedure; perform DAT poly, Elution, & Antigen typing on patients & units as required; perform transfusion reaction workup for the following scenarios: Ranging from mild; hives, hypotension, fever, to hemoglobinuria while patient is receiving or has received blood products; Delayed transfusion reaction workup (up to 14 days after patient receives blood products), TACO (circulatory overload) and TRALI (lung injury) workup when suspected, including ARC nationwide notification if TRALI is suspected on a unit; perform and result all crossmatches to include: computer, immediate spin & AHG crossmatch; prepare, & dispense blood products to ER, OR, & massive transfusions on any floors; order blood products from the ARC in blood hub; apply STAT, ASAP, ROUTINE depending on the urgency, & use different requirements (eg: IRR, CMV-, HGBS-, antigen negative); practice proper storage of RBCs & other blood products before & after modification; receive, return, dispose & credit blood products; retype donor units that are received from the ARC; inspect received units for hemolysis, clots, & make sure that units meet required conditions for receipt; perform reagents quality control for all blood bank tests both manually & on the analyzer.. Req. B.S or equiv. level degree in Medical Laboratory Science, Medical Technology or closely related fields; 1 yr exp. as Medical Technologist, Medical Laboratory Scientist or closely related occup. Performing the duties of this position; & Medical Technologist/ Medical Laboratory Scientist (ASCP) or (AMT) Certification or equivalent. F/T position w/ The Curators of the University of Missouri, MU Health Care (Columbia-MO). CV to: Stefani Worley, Blood Bank Supervisor, University of Missouri Healthcare, Pathology Department, One Hospital Dr. DC055.07, Columbia, MO 65212. EOE
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