By: Rich Ward
Thursday Oct. 5th started off with rain but by 10:00am, the sky was azure blue with puffy white clouds. A perfect day for a ride! Those riding were Ginni, Donovan, Charlie and Rich. We started at North Jeff and rode to the 7 mile mark. We stopped at Waignrite Old Methodist Church which is now a gazebo with the church bell plus a well maintained flowers.
On the way to our 7 mile mark, we encountered very soft spots which caught our attention! Other than that the trail is in good condition. On return we had a our traditional HOOO HAAAA! Then proceeded to the Airport restaurant which had good food and good service!
Our next ride is Thursday Oct. 12th. We meet at Scott Blvd. parking lot at 10:00am and ride to Broadway Diner, approximately 10 mile round trip.
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