In chapter 6 of his book, Isaiah cries out “I am lost.” He came to the terrifying conclusion because “he has seen the king, the Lord of hosts” in the temple in Jerusalem.
In the presence of the Holy God, Isaiah became painfully aware of his sin and consequent impending destruction. But an angel touched the mouth of Isaiah with a burning coal from the altar and said to him “your guilt is taken away and your sin atoned for.”
Assured that his sin had been forgiven Isaiah was ready to say “here I am, send me” when he heard God ask whom can we send and who will go for us. When he believed that his sin was forgiven, the one who was lost, was found and was ready to become a Finder of others who were lost.
Six hundred years later a man called Simon Peter also became painfully aware that he was a sinner. At the command of Jesus he had let down his net in the middle of the day in the middle of the sea of Galilee and caught so many fish in his net that it filled two boats. Fish were caught with a net at night in shallow water close to the shore, not in broad daylight, not in the middle of the lake. Only God could produce such a catch of fish.
The miracle impressed that truth upon Peter that Jesus is God and Peter is a sinner. Falling on his knees in front of Jesus in the midst of all those fish Peter cried out “depart from me for I am a sinner.” Jesus told him “from henceforth I will make you a Fisher of men.” The lost was found and became a Finder of others. Read this heartwarming story in Luke 5.
God does not show us His glory in the temple, He does not overwhelm our senses with a miracle, He comes to us through His word, His Son Jesus Christ. The holy Son of God was born like us in order to take away our guilt, to atone for our sin. Only the eternal holy Son of God could accomplish that.
That truth must lead each one of us to the conclusion that we are sinners. And the truth of His death and resurrection leads us to the joyful conclusion that our sins are taken away. Then we are able to say with Isaiah “here am I, send me.”
With joy and peace in our heart we’re able to go to our fellow sinners and speak to them the good news of a gracious God forgiving sin. The lost are found and become Finders.
And there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over a sinner who repents. Oh Happy Day!
Elmer Schiefer, Pastor Emeritus
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