By: Travis Naughton
A few weeks ago, I wrote an opinion piece expressing my displeasure with the Southern Boone school board’s decision to abandon their masking policy just days after it was first implemented. I wrote, “These are good people. They care about our community. I believe they have good intentions. But I also believe they made a terrible mistake.”
I stand by that statement. Every word of it.
For those who have taken exception with school administrators who have barred parents and other visitors from entering school buildings for holiday parties and other occasions in order to prevent exposing students and teachers to Covid, I would hope that as they voice their concerns, they would be careful to recognize that the principals and assistant principals of our schools are good people who are doing what they think is best to keep people safe. Unfortunately, a vocal minority in our community has started beating the drum of tyranny and parents’ rights, insinuating that administrators are deliberately depriving parents of their opportunity to make precious memories with their school-aged children.
I personally know most of the administrators in our district. Some have young children of their own whose lives are also being affected by Covid restrictions. Believe me, if anyone thinks these principals enjoy restricting parental participation in school parties, assemblies, etc., then those folks have absolutely no idea what they are talking about.
See more in this weeks Boone County Journal
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