By: Frank Burkett
Newsworthy print and other media news are sidetracked accidentally, but sometime intentionally, by events, important they may be, but are used as cover up. How long did the Menjqi Ji search go on? Months and months. What was the financial cost? The authorities has released a figure, that sounded pretty low to me.
Now we have the Gabby Petito, Brian Laundrie that has been going on since September 11, 2021. Her remains have been found, but now Brian is being searched for, and has been going on since September 17. Statistically more than 600,000 persons are reported missing annually. Yes, some of those are searched for, for weeks and also has media coverage too, but most perhaps, less then a week, and some never reported at all.
But have you noticed, when a search goes on and on, It has to do with coverups? Those two, Petito and Laundrie missing, pale in comparison to the disastrous evacuation of Afghanistan, and what was happening at our Southern Border. Perhaps it was for a demented Joe Biden coverup, by the media? Our own Menjqi Ji reported missing in October 2019, and all sorts of searches, and much financial accrued costs were used to find her. Her remains were found in March of 2021. A National and Global phenom also was in the works at that time, the Covid-19 Pandemic. There was the Presidential election too.
See more in this weeks Boone County Journal
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