Next week we will have the privilege of going to the polls and voting.

Whether we are happy or unhappy with the outcome of the election, we will have done our part to keep our form of government. Vigilance is important, being alert, being on guard so that we do not lose our privileges, our liberty, our freedom. This is true in politics; it is true also in spiritual matters.

The Reformation of the church took place about 500 years ago. Books were rare. Copied by hand so only a few people had access to the printed word. The only way of communicating was by word of mouth or by handwritten letter.

Therefore, we cannot fault the people for losing the privilege of knowing God’s Word. People had to depend on what was being taught, and ever so gradually over the course of many years people did not hear that God is a gracious God who forgives sin. The invention of the printing press about 1450 made it possible to spread the good news quickly.

What a blessing God has given us that we’re able to hear that Word of God and read it for ourselves in our own Bible.
And yet vigilance is still so important. Some people had followed Jesus and believed in Him and then took offense at something that He said and they no longer believed in Him.

About a year later their pathways intersected and Jesus said to them: “if you continue in my Word you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.” John 8:31-37 includes these words of Jesus. All people are sinners and in God’s eyes a sin is a sin. There is no difference between the little white lie and a murder. Every sin deserves the same punishment of eternal separation from God in hell. Only Jesus Christ the eternal Son of God was able to endure that punishment and survive it.

On the cross He suffered that punishment and rose again on the third day and through His words He continues to proclaim forgiveness for all sins, white lies, murder and every other sin. “If the Son sets you free you are free indeed”

This is where vigilance is necessary so that we do not become complacent, on the one hand not considering sin to be all that serious, on the other hand neglecting to hear the Word of Jesus. Continue in the Word of Jesus let his Word abide in us, then we are free from a guilty conscience. Free from the slavery to sin, free to love our gracious God, free to love our neighbor as ourselves. And free to look forward joyfully to an eternal life in heaven.

Go to your polling place next Tuesday and go to your church on Sunday.

Elmer Schiefer
Pastor, Family of Christ Lutheran Church