By: E. Jane Rutter
John Lennon got it wrong when he asked us to imagine the world as one. His big dream was to deny the existence of heaven, hell and religion. Without God, he told us, there would be ‘no possessions, greed or hunger’, only ‘a brotherhood of man’ (Imagine).
It is wonderful that our children have imaginations. As a matter of fact, we encourage them to imagine beyond what they see – from imaginary friends, talking pets, to superheroes.
Why then, do we consider it a leap to share Jesus and the saints with our young? Real people who lived to bring the poor and hungry and sinners alike into God’s loving arms. How did we become more comfortable to claim faith as falsehood and favor Disney fantasy as reality instead?
Sadly, the world has increasingly taken Lennon’s hubris to heart. As G.K. Chesterton observed a century ago, “The problem of disbelieving in God is not that a man ends up believing nothing. Alas, it is much worse. He ends up believing anything.”
Somewhere along the line, too many have bought into Lennon’s progressive view of the world, professing that man will believe in and naturally obey God’s ten commandments of love without God having created them. Sadly, we are finding out that man without God – who is pure love – cannot get along with his family and neighbor much less the world around him.
Sons and daughters of God, we need our Father to guide us through this world into the banquet of eternal love. Imagine!
Regardless of age, your children love you and know you are their parent, their guide. They are bright and open to God’s goodness; goodness you reflect. Imagine they
• see God hugging you as you hug them;
• look at the moon and stars and know God lights up the darkness for them;
• feel the sun on their backs as God’s warmth;
• plant seeds that become food to fill their bellies;
• play in rain that falls from the sky;
• learn the miracle of reading, writing and playing music;
• happy and spread love.
We are charged with the great commission to nurture our children’s imaginations and God’s great love. Uncorrupted by doubt, children easily get the existence of God. Why do you think Jesus said, “let the children come to me?” (Mt 19:14)
And so I pray: Dear Lord, during this 40-days of Lent, spur my imagination, selflessness, and humility so Your light shines through all.
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