God is eternal, from everlasting to everlasting, without a beginning and without an end. He is the creator of all things, all life. To him all life will give an account, will be judged by him according to his standards. No appeal will be possible to any higher court because there is no higher court.
Because He is eternal and therefore is not bound by time He is present everywhere at the same time, and He is personally involved in the lives of all people with or without their consent. Through His Son Jesus Christ He comes to His chosen people to do them good, reconciling them to Himself by sacrificing the life of His Son on their behalf.
God governs all people, raising up and bringing down rulers, some good and some bad. Read the history of God’s people in the historical books of the Old Testament. Some kings were bad and some were good but the will of the eternal God was at work, fulfilling His plan for all people.
The inauguration of Donald Trump happened 2 days ago according to God’s plan. Will he be a good president? We hope and pray that will be the case. But we also know that the all knowing God raises up rulers that the people deserve; God calls rulers and people to repentance so that they will humble themselves and receive from God the blessings He has prepared for all.
The people of God acknowledge Him to be the Lord. They use the gifts that He has given to them to serve one another, to honor those in authority, pray for them and do what they can to improve life in this fallen world.
God bless America! From the heart and the mind of a Christian, that prayer is more effective because it is offered to the true God, the eternal God who alone is able to make it happen.
Elmer Schiefer, Pastor Emeritus
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