The children in the neighborhood decide to have a game of ball and they choose sides. The better players are chosen first and finally all the children have been chosen to be on one side or the other. It is a good feeling to be chosen, a very sad feeling not to be chosen. That experience is sometimes repeated in adult life. Some are chosen and occupy a good job. Some seem to be passed over again and again. Most people accept what is happening. “It is what it is”.
In Ephesians 1:3-14 Paul wrote about God making a choice with eternal consequences. Before He ever created anything, God chose some people to be with Him forever in heaven. This is called predestination and it’s written for the comfort of the people of God. God chose some people to be saved, but He did not choose other people to be condemned. He chose people not because they were good but because of His grace in Christ Jesus. He knew that His son Jesus would sacrifice Himself for the sins of all people and therefore He chose some people to be there for the praise of the glory of Jesus forever.
Those whom He has chosen live on this earth for their lifetime and while they live on earth, they hear the gospel, the Holy Spirit works in their heart and creates faith in Jesus. In their hearts they know that they are the people of God and they confess their faith in the company of other believers. They have the testimony of the Holy Spirit that they are the children of God as they fold their hands and pray the Lord’s prayer.
You have been predestined, chosen by the eternal God to be in heaven with Him. With humble joy, you thank God for that blessing, you try your best to do what is pleasing to Him and avoid sin as much as possible. You do not consider yourself superior to other people and you do not consider other people as being condemned. With joy, you share the gospel of the Lord with the people you meet because every person you meet may also have been chosen to live eternally in the presence of God with you.
Elmer Schiefer
Pastor, Family of Christ Lutheran Church
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