Another January has rolled around and once again I force myself to take a long look at the technology and software I utilize for work, family and to follow my favorite Cardinals on Twitter.

Bruce Wallace
Go ahead. You follow the new President. I won’t have the headache until the Redbirds’ bullpen falters in September.
But this was the year, I reasoned. It was the year to do what I was told was the thing to do six years ago.
As I replaced my battery backup, I unplugged the Mac on my desk – wondering if it would be reasonable to bother turning it back on.
Mr Steve Jobs told us back in 2010 that Mac’s destiny was to be at a recycling center. Soon I would only utilize MacBook Air or some other portable machine to output my newspaper and website.
After all, Mac doesn’t have any battery power. When I touch Mac’s screen, all I do is put smudges on him… his operating system is continuously updating, like a struggling golfer, just trying to keep the white ball on the fairway.
“I think it might be time to quit making you work so hard, Mac,” I said out loud. “I could take you to the recycling center and they could give you a nice place to live out the rest of your days.”
“Oh, man,” Mac wheezed, “I’m barely as old as that dog you bring to work. You know I could go another year – at least.”
That’s true. Even though Steve Jobs told us six years ago that the world would only be working off of tablets and laptops within a year, I like Mac’s big screen, his ease of use and the ability to utilize multiple screens at the click of a mouse button.
“I’m still pretty fast, too,” Mac added. “And every morning I turn right on – just as fast as any iPad.”
Well…that’s sorta true.
But Mr. Jobs was right when he noted that desktop computers would go the way of Sony Walkman’s, my old eight-track tape player and my original Commodore computer.
“Mac, I think it is time to take you out to the Home for Old Technology,” I said, without conviction.
“You know what a headache that would be,” Mac said.
“Updating programs, changing technology, re-setting all of your defaults. Man, I’m the best friend you have in this office. Don’t send me to some building with an RC Cola machine out in front with a room dedicated to cell phones getting boxed up and shipped to China.”
Mac was right. HE and I have a good thing going and while I would like to stay ahead of the curve when it comes to technology, the MacBook Air I typed this column on has a screen a third the size of Mac’s screen. And this old man’s eyesight is not going to get any better.
“Why don’t you take a look at the oldest technology you have and replace it first,” Mac advised.
“Good idea,” I thought out loud. “I’ve got that dishwasher that came with the house we bought 15 years ago – it’s the only machine in the kitchen that’s not new.”
“Might make the wife happier, too,” Mac agreed.
I committed myself to another year of using my desktop. Regardless of what Steve Jobs said in summer, 2010. Mac’s time will come, but I sense that, if I continue to update him and not eat up too much memory, we can work together for another year….or two.
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