The calendar says Mid-October, but the thermometer was saying early September. And the result was record-setting.
Monday’s high of 90 degrees broke a record set in 1894 at 88 degrees. The high low temperature for Monday, October 17 also set a record for that date.
The warm weather cooled a bit on Tuessday, with the temperature at 82-degrees in the mid-afternoon.
Temperatures are forecast to be cooler the rest of the week with fall-like weather returning to Mid-Missouri. The forecast from KMIZ-ABC 17 calls for a high of 67-degrees on Wednesday and the temperatures not rising above the mid-70s the rest of the week.
According to weather forecaster Brittany Beggs, the windy and warm will move out of the area and a chance of rain returning to Boone County on Wednesday.
Area weather has been memorable this year for more than just this record-setting heat wave.
Rain throughout the summer – particularly August and September have made for a “wet” year with the total rainfall more than an inch above normal.
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