Lead Photo: Local resident Tracy Eichhorn recently opened Lillie Lavon, a new retail shop on Main street offering new, handcrafted and repurposed items.
Lead Story: Voters to decide school and fire tax on Tuesday
Southern Boone voters will go to the polls next Tuesday, April 2, to decide on one of the largest single-ballot tax initiatives in the past two decades.
While local governmental agencies have made a strong effort in the past to not put competing tax measures on the same election ballot, board members from both the Southern Boone School Board and the Southern Boone Fire Protection District said this year it was unavoidable.
The school district is seeking funding to build a new two-story classroom building at the Primary School as well as faculty salaries for those classrooms. That tax measure is split, with only a 40-cents per $100 of assessed valuation on the ballot (see detailed breakdown below), but the entire tax bill, including a measure voted upon at the board level only for 25-cents per $100 assessed valuation, would cost taxpayers 65-cents per $100 of assessed valauation – or $65 per $100,000 of assessed property tax.
~ Get the whole story in today’s Journal ~
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