Last Thursday’s community/neighborhood meeting on the speed bump pilot project showed there was about an even split on whether or not to continue the program.
City Administrator Lyn Woolford said Monday that a vote of 14-14 and successive emails to the city show that the Bluegrass neighborhood is split on whether or not they like the speed hump on Redtail Drive.
The speed bump, installed at a price tag of $2,000 in June, was done so at the request of a few of the neighbors on Redtail Drive. However, the meeting showed that drives around the neighborhood want to have a say in whether or not it stays.
Woolford said some complained that drivers were going up on the grass to attempt to get around the speed hump, however, the city moved the warning signs so that it makes it nearly impossible to continue that course.
~ Read the rest of the story in today’s Journal ~
By Bruce Wallace
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