Aiden McDaniel, Brayden Beckmann, Jace Wren, Parker Salter, Cami Herin, Taylor Germann, Zoey Davis, Anna Sappington
By: Melissa Duckett
Southern Boone High School’s homecoming is in full swing, embracing the theme “Once Upon a Homecoming,” which draws inspiration from fantasy and fairytales.
For this year’s senior court, it has been an experience fit for a storybook. Nominated by their peers, these students are part of a long-standing homecoming tradition. This year, they have chosen to dedicate their fundraising efforts to support one of their own—sophomore Layne Johnson, whose school year has been anything but a fairytale.
Over the summer, Layne suffered a back injury while performing with his competitive dance team. When the pain persisted, he sought medical attention, and doctors discovered a severe curvature in his lumbar spine. Upon further examination, the cause of the sudden and extreme curve was determined to be a large tumor in Layne’s abdomen, known as a Schwannoma. Thus began his arduous medical journey.
After the tumor was removed, the Johnson family believed the worst was over. The tumor was benign, and Layne was eager to return to school and rejoin his soccer teammates. However, shortly after his return, Layne began experiencing severe stomach pains, which led to another hospitalization. Currently, doctors are focused on managing his pain and ensuring he receives proper nutrition and hydration, as Layne is now unable to keep down food, liquids, or medications. The exact cause of his symptoms remains unknown, and doctors continue to search for answers while trying new treatments to aid in his recovery.
Despite these challenges, the Southern Boone community has rallied behind Layne. The homecoming court, comprised of seniors Taylor Germann, Cami Herin, Zoey Davis, Anna Sappington, Jace Wren, Parker Salter, Brayden Beckmann, and Aiden McDaniel, selected Layne and his family as the beneficiaries of their fundraising competition.

Parker Salter, Cami Herin, Brayden Beckmann, Zoey Davis, Aiden McDaniel, Anna Sappington, Jace Wren, Taylor Germann
Parker Salter was the first to suggest Layne as the focus of their efforts. “Being chosen by my peers to serve on the court is an honor,” said Salter. “Raising funds through the senior court is a positive tradition. Layne is a friend of my brother, Ryder, so we’ve known him and his family for many years.”
Zoey Davis, another court member, emphasized the importance of giving back. “I believe being on court holds major significance because it allows seniors to support someone in the community and shows how Southern Boone stands by families in need.”
Court member Taylor Germann has contacted her family and friends across the United States seeking donations. “He is extremely talented,” says Germann who has seen Layne’s performances. “Continue to be strong. My family will continue to pray for you. We hope to see you back in school soon.”
Layne’s faith has played a crucial role in his recovery. “My faith in God has always been a very important part of my life. This past summer, I felt like God was preparing me to face hard challenges, so when I went through this ordeal, I knew God was with me the entire time. No matter how bad it got, I never stopped praying,” Layne shared.
Senior court member Aiden McDaniel echoed that sentiment in his message to Layne: “Keep fighting, and know that you have the love of an entire town as well as the love of God.”
For McDaniel, supporting Layne is about giving back to a community that has supported him. “Southern Boone has given me a home and a means to express myself through the things I love. Without the support of the people I’ve met since coming here, I wouldn’t be where I am today.”
Brayden Beckmann shared a similar perspective. “This shows how strong of a community we have here in Ashland. Layne, everyone is behind you. Keep fighting because God is with you and your family during this really tough time.”
Jace Wren, who knows Layne from their time at Klife, a church small group, offered these words of encouragement: “Keep pushing, the whole town is behind you and supporting you.”
Anna Sappington who is friends with Layne’s older sister Reagan is looking forward to the homecoming festivities but also wants to make an impact for Layne and his family. “I know life is hard right now, but try to stay strong. You have the community praying for your health.”
Layne’s mother, Nicole Johnson, expressed gratitude for the outpouring of support. “We want to thank Southern Boone High School for selecting Layne and our family to receive the funds raised during homecoming week,” she said. “This has been a very trying time for us, and any funds received will greatly relieve some of the financial burden and stress associated with having a child in the hospital for a prolonged period of time. Layne loves his Eagle family, and he can’t wait to return to school again very soon!”
GoFundMe links for each senior pair are available here:
Cami and Parker: https://gofund.me/49f9773f
Anna and Aiden: https://gofund.me/53fcd52c
Taylor and Jace: https://gofund.me/aacb4d8e
Zoey and Brayden:https://gofund.me/f557f937
Donations will be accepted throughout homecoming week, and the winning pair of seniors will be recognized at the coronation on Friday, October 4th, during halftime.
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